This is why smurfing is so bad...

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 6:02 AM

Recently I as well as a couple of my immortal friends, have come to the conclusion that my main account's rank is completely jacked up. The game is keeping me ascendent 1 although I am easily immoral 1-2. My games in ascendant 1 consist of me still playing against immortals even though I'm ascendent 1, and my match history is littered with match and team MVPs. I even dropped 41 and 50 kill games within 3 matches of each other.

So, I did what any normal person would and got on my friend's bronze account. I figured once I dominate the bronze lobbies it would rank me up pretty quickly and I would be able to climb to immortal on this account way easier. Oh, boy was I wrong! You see, apparently, riot games loves allowing smurfs to just absolutely run through lobbies because, after 12 match MVPs in a row, it has only ranked me up from bronze to silver 3!

This isn't even all of them!

I feel absolutely terrible for the players I am just destroying at this elo, but I figured after 12 match MVPs, the rank system would've caught on and ranked this account up much faster. The even crazier part is that these games are not even silver lobbies, they are diamond!! I am absolutely demolishing these diamond lobbies as a silver 3, and the rank system is like "here take 27 rr".

Didn't rank up from this :D

And I know how it works where you have to play at least 2 matches in each rank before it double ranks you up, but if you look at the first screenshot, after 3 match MVPs as a silver 3 in diamond lobbies, it didn't even single rank me up :D.

This is a serious issue for Valorant. I cannot understand how the ranking system does not recognize that I am a smurf. And whenever I am playing at this rank, the people on my team are always saying "thank god the smurf is on my team this time". This just proves that this is a huge problem in these lower ranks. I genuinely feel bad for completely ruining the competitive aspect of the game for the players on the opposite team. But what else am I supposed to do if riots ranking system still can't comprehend that I'm a smurf after 12 MVPs!

Also before you say "just play on your main account", my main account is completely jacked up, and I can get into that in another post if you would like me to. But basically, it feels like that account is stuck in some kind of strange elo hell. Idk how to explain it but even my immortal friends can't believe that it is keeping me in ascendant 1 on that account.



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