TIL Killoy Alarm Bots will hold a grudge against you if you step on them.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, February 21, 2021 11:19 AM

Basically I was playing comp and we did this very big brain strat where we just push mid and then go through market to B, and I happened to step on a Killjoy Alarm Bot (Not my fault right? Like I mean it's invisible, it's the Alarm Bot's own fault) and I thought nothing of it, and I dashed onto site, and I kept hearing some cluttering noises and I look back, AND THE ALARM BOT CHASED ME FOR LIKE 20 METERS. Probably isn't something new, but I definitely have never seen it happen before.


TL;DR: Don't step on Alarm Bots, as they will hunt you down to the end of the earth. Stay safe.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lo9pms/til_killoy_alarm_bots_will_hold_a_grudge_against/
  • https://reddit.com/lo9pms

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