Posted by Steve
Saturday, August 28, 2021 2:26 AM
I used to struggle a lot with my positioning and my ability to hold angles and anchor sites. But I’ve been playing a lot more and been actively trying to learn and improve and here are some of the things that have helped me a lot!
I always found that there was a lot to think about when holding an angle but the more I played and experienced, then the more instinctive my reactions became. So to manage expectations, these tips won’t make you the best player, but they will be the starting ground for improvement so you know what you should be thinking about.
Positioning: The positioning of you while holding angles is very important. Holding closer to the cover you’re behind or holding further away will affect the enemy’s visibility and ability to hit you. Also, you should mix your positioning up. You’ll become really predictable if you always hold the same place.
Open Angles vs Closed Angles: Something that I really stress though is the difference between open and closed angles and when to use each one. Open angles will allow you to reposition a lot easier, whereas closed angles will be much harder to survive in if your position is known but allow for good trigger discipline plays. There are different situations where you want to be using each one. If you’re holding a flank, then maybe a closed angle will be good since you usually won’t have to deal with more than 1 flanker which will mitigate your risk. Or if you know that you can win your aim duels, then an open angle while holding site can be good for getting that opening pick and much earlier info.
Utilising Off Angles: Off angles are also very important and are very situational. Anywhere can be an off angle if you play it correctly. An off angle can pretty much be anywhere. That’s why when you’re watching pro matches, you see them clear literally everything, so they aren’t caught off guard. But these are really good at getting easy picks when maybe they know your position and you just change it up slightly, so they aren’t preaiming you straight away.
Repositioning: Now the most important part of holding angles is your ability to reposition off of your first contact. If you can reposition, then it increases your ability to survive which gives your team time to rotate and also keeps the enemies occupied on you and your position. This is something that really helped me stay alive longer during rounds and help me get multi kill rounds since I wasn’t just getting one and being immediately traded.
Holding Tight vs Holding Wide: You then also have different situations for when you should be holding wide angles or tights angles. Holding wide is good for when you know that the enemy usually wide swings a particular angle or for when they’re running, that way you don’t have to flick and readjust your crosshair as much. Then holding tight is good for when the enemy is walking up and you don’t hear anything. As soon as you see something they’ll be slow enough for you to react much easier.
Timing: Then there’s also how you should time your peeks when necessary. Sometimes when you’re holding, the enemy team will know your position and you’re definitely going to get checked. What you can do to counter this is once you hear them running up and getting closer, you reposition slightly and peek into them and catch them off guard.
Knowing all this helped me think about how I would play more and once I had more games under my belt and built up my gamesense, all of this was just natural to me. Obviously, everything is situational and sometimes doing some of these won’t be the best thing to do. But it’s more about being aware of all of it and knowing what situations would require you to do certain things. I talk about it in a lot more detail in my video if you wanna give that a watch!
Hopefully this helps you out as much as it helped me!
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