Tips to improve myself

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 6, 2022 8:40 AM


I just started Valorant like 2 months ago, after 2.5k hours spend playing csgo.

Know the aiming and shooting mechanics but cant understand recoil and movement in this game. I want to improve my skills, im level 22 placed gold 1, main Yoru, Fade or Skye depending my team comp.

I dont really have so much time to train and do rutines, i just play like 3 days a week 2 o 3 hours per day, start with 20-30 minutes of dm and going to rankeds. I study and work so train isnt a viable chance to me.

Im not looking to reach inmortal or radiant, just improve to get plat or dia at some point.

Some tips to understand a bit this game?

Thanks yall!!!



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