Tips on how to rank up when your team is the issue.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, July 5, 2022 4:36 AM

Tips on how to rank up when your team is the issue.

You hear a lot that dualists especially complaining about how they can’t rank up because there teams don’t hold there own ect ect but this is a genuine thing. This isn’t the first time this has happened where as of 3 days ago I was ascendent 1 I then go on a 9 loss streak down the bottom D3, out of those 9 games I was TeamMVP/MatchMVP 7 times, bare in mind I’m last to lock most games and fill the roles (smokes, dualist, initiator or sentinel) I play with the team (not lurk, unless necessary a round or 2) and I always use my mic to com and to strategise with the team, most games it’s instalock dualists that bottom frag or people throwing the game because someone criticised them 1 round. Any tips on how to rank up when your teams are the issue?

The screenshot provided is from a week ish ago, just showing this isn’t a common issue.



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