Posted by Steve
Sunday, December 27, 2020 8:55 PM
To preface this, I have a few hundred hours in CS or so, experience definitely helps with these sorts of tac-shooter games in terms general game sense and crosshair placement
SoloQ Specific
- Always say hello at the start of a match, establishing the initial line of communication when solo queuing is vital to keeping it flowing the whole game, and communication is key.
- Don't be coerced by randoms into picking an agent you aren't comfortable, being an unexperienced omen is a lot worse than a good breach even if an omen would be preferable.
- Sticking with agent select, make sure that you have a few agents that you are comfortable with e.g. I am comfortable with Omen, KJ and Reyna, leaving me open to any/all roles, this also helps if you are having a bad streak to just switch up your playstyle
- This game is as much a mental battle as a battle in the game, once a team has given up mentally the game is pretty much over. So mute all enemy text chat as a default. Always say "nt" to your team after a clutch attempt and DO NOT GIVE UP NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ARE LOSING.
General Tips
- Practice makes perfect - prior to jumping into a comp I would do roughly 15 minutes of Aimlabs and a couple deathmatches, over the course of an act your aim will improve a lot (not just gridshot btw).
- I saw a lot of knee-cap warriors in lower rank players (gold - low plat), aiming for the head is crucial in this game, good crosshair placement beats good aim 9/10 times.
- If you can help it, do not dry peak corners, use your abilities to give you an edge over others.
- On the subject of abilities, make sure you are helping your teammates and not just yourself, flashes such as Omen's paranoia can be used a lot more to help your team peak rather than yourself.
- Every time a round goes wrong/ you die, don't immediately go to find the blame on a teammate and start tilting at them, think about what you could have done better to improve e.g. bad crosshair placement, not clearing a corner properly, not being in a good position for your teammate to trade the kill.
- If you are on a losing streak or you just think it isn't your day, don't play a comp, either do some DM/Aimlabs or leave it for the day, the game will still be here tomorrow.
This isn't everything and I certainly am not be claiming to be a god at the game in any way, I just wanted to share my experience and what I've learnt on my journey from gold to immortal, if you have any other questions I'd be very happy to try my best to answer them.
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Posted by Otto
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 1:29 PM
Yoru sketch by me.
Hey guys. This is my first post in this sub. I suck at playing this game but love the characters. Yoru is my favourite agent so here's a sketch I did of him a while back.
Posted by Otto
Sunday, April 16, 2023 10:07 PM
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Posted by Otto
Monday, August 30, 2021 1:43 AM