To everyone: You Did Great Today

Posted by Steve

Monday, October 31, 2022 11:48 AM

Regardless of what you're doing right now, I want to tell you that you're doing a great job. ♡

While I have been experiencing hard times lately, and sometimes life seems unfair, I have to thank the Valorant community and the developers for providing me with an immersive way to express myself and disengage from reality for a while.

Whenever I say "you did great today", I am thinking... I wish people said it to each other more often... If you're in a Valorant or any game in general, saying that phrase at the end of the match really impacts people. You don't have to do it, I just wish people said it more often, after all we're all humans, and we are all going through something. :)

You are all amazing people, I just want to say that to you again, maybe you haven't been reminded in a while, but I'm here to remind you that. ♡ ~ Senpai#Rito



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