To all my fellow low elo players : WE DON'T NECESSARILY NEED A HEALER

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 18, 2023 2:12 PM

I am a Bronze 2 player and I often play in solo queue or duo queue with a friend, who is also in Bronze. And I am desperately tired of the amount of players who think a team absolutely needs a healer. Either duelist instalockers asking for a healer (especially Sage because she can revive), or people locking a healer themselves as a last lock because the team has no one, despite missing a role in the team.

For example, I once duo queued with my friend, I had locked Killjoy and he had locked either Omen or Viper. 2 of the other mates had locked an initiator (I don't remember which ones, but it was not Skye) and the last one was going to lock Reyna, but since we didn't have a healer in the team, they locked Sage, so we didn't have any duelist to entry on sites, making us get wrecked on the attacking side and lose the game by a lot.

So please remember that healers are not mandatory, even if they can carry in a game. Prefer picking a agent you are confortable with rather than playing a healer you don't know how to play.

Edit : I would add that, unlike games like Overwatch (where most characters aren't meant to one tap, so healers are more important), there is no "healer" or "support" class in the game. Heals surely can support and win some rounds, but not as much as other supporting abilities like flashes, stuns, smokes or intel abilities.



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