To those I just played with

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 12:16 AM

So I just played a game of valorant drunk, I'm closing in on my 40's. Female, which was revealed by my speaking in voice. This can often go so horribly as a female. In this particular game I was honest about being drunk and with some small conversation it was revealed I'm close to 40. Also drunk might I add. This particular team was much younger than me. Which I'm not used to because I usually play with some friends. But these guys started calling me mommy and just adopted me and said nothing of my drunken state. They conversed with me and spoke to me with respect. I'm definitely not used to the mommy thing but I understood it wasn't meant in a bad way. The point of the this all is, if these guys I played with represent our future, then that is perfect and might just be OK.

Edit: I was clearly still drunk when I wrote this.



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