Posted by Steve
Monday, January 4, 2021 12:02 PM
As a sage main, I feel like it is necessary for me to post this.
If you get healed by a sage, stay out of combat so the orb can last the entire duration which heals you for the 60.
There is a 45s cool down so if you see someones health start rising all of a sudden, chances are the sage has healed someone else so they can’t heal you for a while.
Because of the 45s cool down, if you have only taken a small amount of damage, Im not going g to waste a heal on that.
If the sage has a revive available, the current situation might not be a good circumstance to revive you, so they shouldn’t revive you.
E.g. if it is a 1v5 we are probably going to lose this round even if the sage revives you. There are multiple enemies nearby who could kill us both before we can react. If it’s a 4v1 we are probably going to win that round anyway so it would also be a waste.
This might sound selfish but if a duelist and the sage is on 40 health, the sage should prioritise healing herself over the duelists. Once the sage heals herself she has an extra 60 health which could enable them to retreat and provide support for the team while waiting for the cooldown so they can heal you afterwards.
A dead sage has much more of an effect on a team than a dead duelist, so protecting the sage is more important than protecting a duelist..
Also sentinels kit don’t allow them to get out of a sticky situation unlike how a initiator typically has flashes, a controller can use smokes or a duelist can make getting the kill or get out of the situation easier with their abilities.
Thank you for reading what many people who don’t play sage lack the knowledge of, and can make the life of a sage player so much easier and more enjoyable.
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