Today I played Sage again after a while and I remember why I stopped playing her

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 6:45 AM

I started playing Valorant 4 months ago and I used to main Sage, I have a bit over 300 games with her. I absolutely loved Sage at first because I loved to support the team but about a month and a half ago I quit playing her. The way people treat Sage in this game is just gross, at least in my elo. I got tired of people screaming at me for heal and rez, everyone just whines Sage's name like I'm their mother. I took this as an opportunity to learn other agents. But for some reason, today I decided to play her again.

On the first game, I was flamed for having too many kills. I was literally told that, as a Sage, I should be ashamed of having more kills than our duelist. (Yes, you read that right). Please note that I wasn't top fragging or anything, I had 6 kills mid-game and the comment didn't even come from the Jett instalocker himself, it came from another teammate. Then, of course, the Jett instalocker flamed me for not having enough kills because as Sage, I'm expected support my duelist (and yes, that's what he said)... So in other words, I'm expected to be baited, not die while being baited, enter site alone, plant the spike, heal the whole team AND top frag.

Second game, first round, our Omen took damage, first thing I do is press "E" and go in his direction but obviously, our Cypher didn't miss the opportunity to say "Sage, heal Omen" as if I don't know what I'm doing. My team was actually good, there was no need for me to be battle Sage so I decided to play more passive, stay alive and heal. Then our Cypher demanded a rez and I did it, because... that's one of my jobs as Sage, right? Then, since I wasn't dying a lot, I had money and one of my teammates needed a drop. Of course, I dropped. A couple rounds later, another teammate needed a drop, what does Sage do? Drop. I was going to drop anyway BUT, before I could even do it, someone went "Sage, drop". A couple of rounds later, it was the last round of the first half, I didn't have money for a full buy so I asked for a drop. Our Sova had money after his full buy but he didn't drop. I ask again and our Cypher goes "Sage, you have money, buy your own shit". Well, I didn't have money and I ended up going into that round with a vandal, light shields and no wall, while our Sova had 4000 credits... on the last round of the half. Then, the Sova, the one who didn't drop, what does he do? "SAGE REVIVE ME". I also clutched a 1v4 in that game so I really did my best for the team but the amount of selfishness I experienced in that game left me baffled. Everyone was whining Sage's name but I'm not allowed to ask for a drop. Like, imagine... the audacity of your Sage to ask for a drop! How can she do that...

Honestly, stop treating your team's Sage like a doormat. She doesn't owe you anything. She doesn't owe the team a heal or a rez more than a Sova owes the team a dart or a drone, or more than a Skye owes a flash. I've seen all sorts of toxicity and shitty behaviour in this game but nothing compared to what a Sage player goes through. Even when I'm not playing Sage, the way I see people treating the team's Sage is disgusting. I'm so careful about the way I treat my team's Sage that sometimes I feel bad about asking for a heal, and note that I do it politely, I just know way too well what that poor creature goes through. Every single game, during agent select, everyone picks who they want and then they go "pick Sage, we need Sage". Well, guess what? This shitty attitude is the reason why no one wants to play Sage anymore. Fix your attitude and maybe you won't have to beg people to play Sage.



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