Posted by Steve
Thursday, November 12, 2020 8:55 AM
This should be common understanding, but I'm getting so many games where one user makes an abusive comment at another user. And a fight breaks out. And we lose what could have been a total win.
I'm not really talking about a typical gameplay complaint. Like an opinion that somebody did wrong. Sometimes it's using the game as a platform for overt hate speech/racism and gender abuse. But typically, it's standard forms of abuse like verbal abuse, invalidation, and emotional abuse at teammates. Most commonly the need to point out somebody is bad. Sure it might even be correct. But why start that fight? And I can't comprehend how they can think that sort of negativity can be beneficial use of coms to win a ranked game.
I've been in quite a few games where everybody is communicating constructively with each other whether we win or lose. Always the most enjoyable games either way. Then there's games that could be a win, but somebody makes an abusive remark at somebody else. Then the other user throws the game because of it. And often that other user who ended up throwing the game was doing their best, and not actually playing that bad. And we just lose what could have been a win.
Sure, sometimes, there are users who play ridiculously. Often, constructive feedback will help. Sometimes, no suggestion will matter, and they'll continue doing whatever is screwing the team. But at the same time, they may be doing something right. And your suggestion is wrong. If they don't follow your suggestion, just let it be. There's no reason to throw a tantrum or get verbally abusive. Because then, they will outright throw.
I've seen instances of everybody on the team banning together to abuse the thrower. Which never ends well. Ever. And I've seen instances where other teammates banned together, and told the toxic user to stop and apologize so that teammate will stop throwing. And low and behold, that often works. The one acting toxics cuts the crap, and the one throwing starts playing again.
Honestly, it seems as if half of the users don't actually seem to know what constitutes misusing coms for toxic/abusive forms of communication. As opposed to using coms for constructive communication to win. And what blows my mind is the toxics with the mindset that those who prefer constructive communication shouldn't play this game. And toxics should. Rather than the other way around.
TLDR - Bottom line - Just presume users will throw if you say something abusive towards them. You may be right about something. And they may be completely wrong for throwing. But you definitely will not be in the right either if the one initiating the abuse. You're basically asking for a throw game when starting a conflict with a teammate.
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