Toxicity Around Female Gaming In Ranked

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 21, 2021 10:07 PM


I've been playing Valorant since beta and I've seen a large increase in toxicity within ranked and me being female. I am not the best player, I'm currently Bronze 2 and getting close to 3. I love playing Valorant because I love communication and team type games. I liked CS originally but I thought it was a bad idea since I would get bombarded as soon as I spoke. For a while it was fine in Valorant, guys would flirt and be stupid, I could ignore that. Now though, I'm getting called a fat sl*t for not clutching, people trap me in corners, team kill me, sexually berate me, its just awful. I don't know what to do because I love the game and I think the community used to be great and I loved talking/meeting new people, but I cannot continue with this random targeted abuse.

Any ideas? I'm thinking of just not speaking, but that makes me sad since comms is what I love about Valorant.

Edit: Thank you all for your kind words and all the awards. I feel very heard and I thank you again. Just for context, I Hardly Ever solo q. I dont like it.



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