Posted by Steve
Monday, June 6, 2022 9:09 AM
So Im Gold 1 right now, and I have been trying to improve constantly. Crosshair placement, going for headshots, positioning etc.
But there are so many games, where I’m getting stomped by someone who only run and guns, sprays and just plays like a complete maniac.
Today, was the same case which made me very angry. I just can’t get better if I can’t take a normal Duell without being crouch sprayed at.
So I started to do the same thing. Buy a phantom. Run and gun. never stand still, and see there, I top-fragged like never before.
I came to the conclusion, that I would proceed this playstyle, and I will not stop until I start meeting players who I can at least sometimes take proper Duells with.
Silver-Gold Elo is cursed in my opinion. They hit the craziest shots, play like headless chickens and there is no logic behind their gameplay.
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