Posted by Steve
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 4:07 AM

I just wanted to post this for people that might be on older hardware like myself (i7 4770k - 980ti)
I've always had HT on, it's been the default in my bios and I never changed it, recently I was looking through Calypto's latency guide (Here) and it recommended turning HT off, so I did some fps benchmarks in CSGO (I only play Valorant and CS) and i had a +40 average FPS.
I don't know how to benchmark Valorant, but HT on I was hovering around 170-200 fps. HT off and i'm hovering at 250+, sometimes I drop down to 220 but it's A LOT higher and much more consistent than before, the game feels a lot smoother in my opinion.
Just wanted to share as it might help someone out with the same hardware, I don't know if there's a big difference on newer CPUs but hopefully this is helpful to someone!
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