Posted by Steve
Sunday, March 28, 2021 1:14 PM
![[Tutorial] How To Fix - Low In game Confidence -3 Simple Steps](
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So How do You Boost your confidence so you perform better?
Let’s go straight into it.
Understanding the cause behind the lack of confidence.
Where most people go wrong, can be traced back to.
That they put unrealistically high expectation of performance in game on themselves.
And, how can you perform up to this standard? It’s set to high from the start, it is a recipe for failure.
And now that you are not meeting this standard, you start doubting yourself.
This doubt amounts into low confidence, among other negative drawbacks. Because of this type of Negative thinking.
And when others point out, that you perform bad in game. Then this is just confirming the belief you already have, that this is true. That I am bad at this.
My friend listen this is NOT the truth at all.
Because of how you think, has now resulted in how you feel, and this have you effect really hard, that shows in game.
And all this pain, came from just how you think, isn’t that something huh?
You see the mindset you start the game up with, have so much impact on in game performance. And by understanding this you can get to new levels, you only dreamed of before.
And this takes us into the next step.
So, let’s GO!
Understanding that you belong in this game, and have unlimited potential.
If you were not made for these types of games, you would not be playing this game at all.
Believe me when I say this, you got naturally attracted to this game for a reason, and that is because the inner BEAST you have caged inside you. Wanted you to play this game, so the beast can be satisfied and fed.
And that beast is hungry.
You need to learn to unleash the beast, whenever needed.
And the good news is, that you can unleash this beast with a push of the button, by making a few adjustments. But the beast is not coming out before you believe in yourself, and gain your confidence back.
Yes, it’s that simple, you can for sure perform better in game. By just understanding why you have low confidence, and turn this limiting factor into a strength.
And this takes us straight into in the next step, on how you can boost your confidence. thru controlling your feelings.
So, here we go.
Step: 3
Take ownership over your feelings.
Never let others, dictate your actions, in a game.
Don’t let them manipulate you for their own gain.
You don’t play this game for the benefit of pleasing them, you are in it for yourself.
You only have one life, use it for the benefit of the real MVP, and yes that is you.
And why are feelings so important in a game you may ask? Then let me ask you this: don’t you FEEL that confidence can be described as one?
Control these feelings the right way, and off course the right way depends on what you feel is the right path that benefits you.
Yes of course you play the game with teamplay in mind, but never let it go that far that you get played by the team.
And, the knowledge you gain from testing it, and optimizing it in game.
Can easily, and you may not even notice it, boost your confidence in other parts of life.
It really can be that simple, if you want it to be.
Now let’s round this guide up.
And please let me know about other topics you may be interesting in learning about.
I have a lot on my heart, so next part coming real soon.
Until then.
Stay Blessed
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