Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 4, 2023 7:00 PM
Alternative title: How not to waste the easiest win on B site on Fracture you will ever have.
Background: KJ ult is really strong. It detains anyone caught in it for a few seconds. They just kinda sit there till it goes away or you kill them. You can abuse it on Fracture really easily, because 4 ult points and a really safe spot to ult from.
I hope this helps people understand how to not make your KJ feel like their very strong and expensive ult is a Joke to be ignored.
Step 1: Where to start, and where to go!

Step 2: Just... wait a bit. Don't move now. No point in dying when the ult has just started.

Step 3: Be prepared for rotates and flanks!

Step 4: Begin Push!

Step 5: Win Round!

In case your wondering, yes this is based on a specific game I remembering. Luckily it was unrated, but honestly it just as easily coulda been comp considering how often I have seen this very easy to work play backfire.
If your defending against this, simply do the opposite I say is good here. No seriously, don't run at the Ult. You gonna die, just go to spawn and use util to retake
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