Unacceptable amount of leavers lately.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 7:28 PM

I’ve only played 5-6 games the past two days because I’m getting so incredibly pissed at how common it is for people to just bail out because we lose pistol round or something. Out of this handful games I’ve played the past two days, four of them have had at least one leaver (also it’s literally only been on my team), and a few have had TWO. One person leaves because they’re mad or something, which then encourages another person to leave because they see no point in continuing a 4v5. While I definitely agree with that, it still pisses me off beyond comprehension that this just keeps happening and happening and happening, and it’s ALLOWED to happen. The game is borderline unplayable with the insane regularity of leavers nowadays


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/khxgv6/unacceptable_amount_of_leavers_lately/
  • https://reddit.com/khxgv6

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