Unpopular opinion - crouching might be bad but it isn't as bad as ppl say it to be on this subreddit.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 28, 2023 6:17 PM

Yeah crouching can be bad at long range but...

I feel comfortable while crouch shooting ~Asuna on his live stream.

If u watch any prx jingg clips u will come to conclusion that he literally abuses crouch shoot to throw off crosshair placement of his enemies.


Also there r alot of pro players who crouch and i have seen alot of pros saying it isnt bad its just situational.

Obviously at long range with a vandal nobody is gonna prefer crouching (its always better to stafe and 1tap ). But in close range its deadly .

My peak rank is diamond so my opinion might be limited to low elo only but after seeing alot of pros crouching and saying it aint that bad i have started to change my mind.

*I have played alot of csgo so crouching is like a double edged sword..while it reduced ur movement it increases ur accuracy as well so yea.

Any thoughts?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10n7yo2/unpopular_opinion_crouching_might_be_bad_but_it/
  • https://reddit.com/10n7yo2

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