Unpopular Opinion: Phoenix is significantly better than Reyna, in terms of being a duelist and self-carrying in solo queue

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 12:16 PM

Unpopular Opinion: Phoenix is significantly better than Reyna, in terms of being a duelist and self-carrying in solo queue

Phoenix is an incredibly strong agent, and I feel like he is being overshadowed by Reyna for no good reason. Phoenix has a wall that cuts off line of sight, and a molly that does good damage. Both of these abilities also heals him to full in seconds, and his wall combos perfectly with his crazy good flashes allowing him to get incredibly clean plays and free kills.

Not to mention his ultimate, that gives incredibly good info, but also turns the round into a 5v6, allowing you to trade a free kills or more for free, costing only 6 ult points.

I feel like Reyna is just "easier" or more straight forward, and people just don't know how to use his ult well (ulting in dumb spots then getting knifed on respawn).

Edit: Reynas invincibility is strong but I feel like it isnt good enough to out rank phoenix, her invinc is a crutch for new or overly aggressive players to get away with terrible peeks

Edit 2: When talking about self carry the most important aspect is will your utility give you an edge in the round. Phoenix molly will drive people out of corners 1 free kill. Each flash is a free kill if you lurk or combo w your wall, etc. his ult is a free kill or more, or at the very least gives info for you to kill. That is 3-4 consistent kills (considering his ult is only 6 points) a round, compared to reyna only having 2 consume things and her leer being countered via peeking as soon as it pops up (there is a delay for it to actual start blinding)

Edit 3: On a 7 win streak currently (6 matches as Phoenix), went from bronze 2 to Silver 3 in 2 days just from switching to Phoenix https://imgur.com/a/LYcZ0C1


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mpf8nn/unpopular_opinion_phoenix_is_significantly_better/
  • https://reddit.com/mpf8nn

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