Unpopular opinion: you are where you should be

Posted by Steve

Sunday, November 8, 2020 11:04 AM

I keep reading rants about people stuck in some rank, blaming teammates, being toxic towards people who comment, and I know luck is important, but do you really deserve higher rank?

I'm gold 2, my aim is pure shit, but I've been loving this game and know maps and agents pretty well. I know I deserve gold 1, I can manage in 2, gold 3 is harder because there are lot of plats w better aim. There is no need for me to rage for being at the bottom and deranking, and I actually feel bad for being higher rank cause it's not fair for my teammates.

I have a second acc used when I wanted to unlock Killjoy faster with free agent, it was bronze 2 and I placed in iron 3 this act bc I was messing with my friends.. Wanting to test theory, played one game, won, ranked up. Played another one with silvers 2 in team that complained about me being bronze 1. I was match mvp and ranked up 2 ranks, skipping bronze 2 entirely, and ending in bronze 3.

So if you say you deserve at least plat, and you are stuck at bronze, I have bad news for you ..


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jpqnhk/unpopular_opinion_you_are_where_you_should_be/
  • https://reddit.com/jpqnhk

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