Useful tips for VALORANT

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 12:02 PM

Valorant Tips:

#1. Don't get mad: If you get mad, you play worse, which makes you madder, and you get even worse. Try to stay positive!

#2. Don't be toxic: If you are toxic, your team will get worse, and you will lose. If you want to criticize at least use "constructive criticism" rather than saying your trash. Try to say something along the lines of "good try man" even if it wasn't a good try because the teammate will be encouraged to continue to try. It's all about attitude.

#3. Losing is okay: You learn more from losses than wins

#4. If you do get mad, take a break: As mentioned, mad=worse, so take a break when you get mad

#5. If you see people in game not following these tips, do your best to change their attitude, it may win you the game

Remember, this game is all about the attitude. You can be the best player in terms of game mechanics, but you must have a good attitude and good energy within your team to win games. Skill alone is not enough.



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