Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 9:52 PM
Hello everyone! I'd like to present to you my newest original fan character concept. He is a Controller by the name of JJ. Unlike my previous character concepts, I'd like to give a brief backstory on her character.
Her real name is Jacklyn Jackson, and she once went to a trip with her family to Venice, Italy. Among her family, she was the sole survivor of the incident that caused the map we now know as Ascent, and she swears that she will get back to whoever caused her family's death.
I'll now explain the skills, and I do ground my concepts with existing characters' skills to not make it out of place for the game, so I'll use other agent's skills to explain her skillset a bit easier.
(There should be an image here)
Passive Skills
FIRE at enemy devices to temporarily put them in JJ's control. Reverts back when JJ dies.
I think that this ability would be an interesting addition to Valorant abilities, making them yours rather than simply disabling them. And it's not too OP, imo. For example, if Sova shoots his arrow and you shoot it, the enemy still know that you're there, but it doesn't give any info of where your actual locations are. Doesn't work for other agents' skills that require them to activate it, like Cypher's cages or Killjoy's nano swarms.
Two of JJ's abilities, Jacket and Jacket Frost, are toggleable; but having any of them or both active drains her fuel bar at a constant rate.
[10s to completely drain] | [15s to replenish from 0-100] | [100 Fuel]
I left this out of the original image since I couldn't make a pun with "Jack" but this is basically Viper's fuel bar, but faster to both run out and regen.
Active Skills
EQUIP a magnetic gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALTERNATE FIRE to open a tactical map and set locations where the emitter will perpetually remain throughout the round. RE-USE the ability at its direction to create a magnetic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED. Jacket blocks bullets from outside.
[Creds: 200]
Viper's poison cloud which works like a mini one-way Astra ult. This skill doesn't dampen audio though. Only bullets are blocked, so you can still shock dart or molly, etc.
Update: Now you can open a tactical map which will send the emitter down by a drone
Jacket Frost
EQUIP a cryogenic gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALTERNATE FIRE to open a tactical map and set locations where the emitter will perpetually remain throughout the round. RE-USE the ability at its direction to create a cryo gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED. Jacket Frost slows players caught inside of it.
[Creds: 200]
Viper's poison cloud which slows you rather than causes toxin.
Update: Now you can open a tactical map which will send the emitter down by a drone
Jack O'Lantern
PLACE a trap that scans for enemies. When a visible enemy comes in range, the trap counts down and then launches a fireball that explodes upon hitting the ground, creating a lingering fire zone that damages players within the zone. ALTERNATE FIRE to charge it, turning it into a grenade that detonates upon hitting the ground, which does damage to anyone in its range.
Signature Skill | [Creds: 250] | [Damage: 10 - 50 (edge-center)]
This is JJ's signature skill, you get one free each round.
If Chamber's trademark is a deployable slow orb, then this ability is a deployable hot hands, except that it doesn't heal you, of course. You could also charge it, similar to Sova's arrows, and turn it into a grenade that works like Raze's paint shells, except that it doesn't turn into 3 other bombs.
Jack O'Ripper
EQUIP a Jack O'Lantern on your gun muzzle, temporarily giving you incendiary ammo that damages players for a short amount of time. Killing an enemy creates a brief explosion that concusses enemies in its area.
[6 Points] | [Bullets: One Full Magazine] | [Burn Damage: 15/s] | [Burn Duration: 2s] | [Stun Duration: 2.5s - 4s]
This ability has a shared skill slot with Jack O'Lantern. So if you've used Jack O'Lantern twice, you can't use your ult. I think it's a nice trade, forcing the players to choose between one and the other.
The explosion's stun duration varies by the target of the last shot of your gun, 2.5s for feet, 3s for body, and 4s for the head.
So that's it, I made the contract too, just like my previous character idea, Storm. What do you guys think? Discuss below if you have any opinions or input regarding this!
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Ace with Sheriff 1 tap 5 heads (Unrated, prob silvers) never going to get this again.
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Classic staying classic as always.
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Valorant INDIA
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