Valorant Footstep Radius

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 11:33 AM

Hey yall. I just started playing Valorant a couple days ago after getting tired of CS:GO competitive MM, and I'm finding it hard to get used to the different way footstep sounds are handled in this game. I'd like to hear from you guys, do you like the way footsteps are in Valorant?

Personally, I much prefer CS:GO's sound engine. I think the radius for the footsteps in Valorant is okay, but I feel like there should either be a significant volume gradient added or they should increase the map sizes a bit. I also think the game could benefit from sounds being muffled when there's obstructions between you and the source.

In its current state, being able to hear the enemy's footsteps 20m away as if they were right next to me, and vice-versa for them, just leads to a lot of extremely slow rounds as I'm basically forced to hold shift from over halfway across the map when rotating.



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