Valorant is full of backseat gamers

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 9:53 AM

One thing that I noticed about people in this game - they tend to backseat game. Whenever there is a clutch situation - they need to open their mouth and tell me what skills I have, what they think about situation, that I still have my legs my arms and I am sitting in my room in planet earth. I understand that they are not wishing bad, but for me its more distracting than helpful.

And the worst thing is, these people usually also tend to be very toxic. If you tell them to be quiet, they get defensive/laugh/talk trash to you - because they know better.

Don't get me wrong - I am not against analyzing situation after it happened and learning from it. But during it live - not the best.

And I come from CSGO with ~5k hours. People also do that there, maybe less in higher ranks, but I don't think this really differs that much between most of the ranks.

Maybe just a rant - but I think a lot of you can relate.



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