Valorant needs a AFK rank loss mitigation like League of Legends does

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 30, 2020 11:19 PM

If you don't know League of Legends implemented a system whereby you lose less elo in a ranked game if an ally AFKs. This isn't disconnecting or reconnecting, but if you fail to reconnect/stay AFK for 5+ minutes, the player who AFKed gets a penalty and the affected players lose less ranked points (LP). Valorant has a severe AFK issue and it shouldn't be too hard for Riot to implement this into their other game. If they need to revamp the ranked system and use Elo/LP, then do so, the current arrows are too ambiguous anyway. They should also implement the rule where if the AFK is in a party, the loss mitigation isn't applied to the party members and they suffer the full penalty. As someone who party up with my friends often, I am very willing to accept the full penalty should my friend AFK, and this is the first step in reforming the culture around AFK. When I first started playing league (years before Val), AFK was a massive problem too, but by implementing proper repercussions and a honor system (something else Riot can transfer over), the amount of AFKers has been reduced a lot.



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