Posted by Steve
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 5:33 PM

Just had a match with another dc, but this time he joined the match said "remake" and then dc. We asked the enemy team how to remake because none of us knew how and they said in round 3 we type "/remake", so we did and then discovered it needs to be done by round 2... Fast forward to round 7 and our Reyna joins back saying "wtf guys you didn't remake" and then dc again... Kinda over people dcing and throwing and would just appreciate RIOT adding a button next to "surrender" so stuff like this doesn't happen to other players, especially considering it's a feature in the game not everyone knows about. Felt like an absolute waste of a ranked match.
For those who do not know about this feature (like me until now), it was released in Patch 1.07. It is a command you type in chat. Read more:
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