VALORANT needs a solo/duo queue only mode in competitive

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 28, 2020 12:45 AM

The competitive experience in higher ranks (immortal 3 / Radiant) has been frustrating to say the least, the lack of a solo/duo queue mode means that a lot of matches consist of 3 and 4-man premades that refuse to communicate using the in-game voice chat, leaving anyone playing solo isolated from the team.

Furthermore, there's an insane amount of boosted players in radiant, the competitive experience has been wildly inconsistent. While in lower rated games Riot balances the game by placing premades against higher rated solo players (or other premades) this method of balancing is innefective (to put it mildly) in Radiant.

Until a solo/duo queue is implemented, the ranked system will continue to allow players to be boosted far past their true skill level, jeopardizing the integrity of the ranked system.



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