Valorant QOL change ideas

Posted by Steve

Saturday, September 24, 2022 5:19 AM

Hello people, i have thought of stuff to make valorant better. I came up with a bunch of stuff that would be cool/useful to have. Some of these are incredebly unealistic, but please let me have my dreams haha.

  1. Avoid list. This is coming i believe and its great because we all have had someone we dont wanna have in a game again.
  2. Replay system. Self explanatory, but just imagine the content that could be produced and this would benefit the competitve side as well.
  3. statistics tab. Imagine it like Overwatch where you could see statistics depending on Agent, Map, Weapon, Gamemode etc.
  4. Clan system. Creating groups with your friends and getting clan tags would be a cool addition just to show youre part of a group.
  5. Equipping different skins for attack and defense.
  6. Make the collection tab a bit less chaotic. We all have so many gunbuddies, playercards, titles and sprays now its hard to find the one you want sometimes. A more tidy system would be cool. Also this would be helpful when more and more agents enter the game.
  7. Agent Picks and bans when we have somewhat enough agents to do this.
  8. Option to appear as offline/busy. We all want to have our privacy sometimes so i believe this would be a helpful addition.
  9. Esports tab. A tab where we could see upcoming matches or recent scores.
  10. Bigger shop. There are so many skins now, i have heard a lot of people waiting several months for a skin they wanted so more slots per day would be nice.
  11. Gunbuddy/playercard store. I missed so many cool gunbuddies and playercards of older bundles and this would be a neat little addition for the store in my opinion.
  12. Night.Market overhaul. Its nice to get a few skins for a discount, but a reroll of a slot or something along those lines would be nice as a lot of people get really unlucky a lot of the time .(Shoutout to everyone using twitter)
  13. Continuing the updates to the range. I really like riot updating the range occasionally and adding more stuff there. I hope they continue doing that.
  14. Lenghten Agent contracts. A lot of people are done or almost dont with every player contract and new content especially for F2P players would be amazing.
  15. New gamemodes. TDM and tournaments are coming but i would love stuff like overwatch has done it with their arcade. Modes like capture the flag, control etc.
  16. A sandbox. Hear me out. This is hard to make reality but imagine how cool it would be if we could design our own minigames or gamemodes in valorant.
  17. Story mode. Also hard to do, but i know well would love a single player valorant adventure.

Most importantly i hope that Valorant stays an amazing game with an awesome community and riot keeps on delivering absolute incredible content.
Thanks for readin this! Feedback is appreciated as well as your own ideas!
Have a great day. ^^



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