Posted by Steve
Tuesday, September 7, 2021 9:38 PM
Hello everyone!
First of all I want to share my story, just for context. In the Beta I was Platinum 2, but I stopped playing and started again 2 acts ago.
Last Act I Solo Q-ed to Gold 3 and stopped because the Act came to a close. This Act I have solo Q-ed from Silver 3 to Platinum 3, but for some reason, in the past 2 weeks, it is literally impossible to Solo Q anymore. I have lost 8 of my previous 10 matches, being Team MVP or Match MVP in 7 of those games, and not only with duelists. I never instalock, though I had at least one instalocker, sometimes even 3 of them in at least 7 of those games.
Nevertheless, I deranked to Plat 2 with 50RR.
I've never been this close to Diamond before, and it is incredibly frustrating to see myself getting matched up against Immortals and Diamonds.
I conducted a small research and from my previous 10 games, translating to 40 teammates, only 15 of them had microphones, and only 8 were giving callouts.
Example of Solo Q-ing experience:
Yesterday, in a match on Split, 2 guys instalocked Reyna and Astra, both premade. During the match I was left alone holding B-Site and no one came even if I asked them to and I got called a "crybaby" for complaining about being alone on the site.
I then told them I will not be holding B-Site anymore because I can't hold 5 of them rushing ( in the previous rounds I would have taken down 2 of them, but then die ), and because I did not have money and they did not want to buy me. All they had to do is come on site after I was dead and kill 3 people, and they could not even do that. Spoiler alert, they started blaming me for losing the game.
We lost the game 13 to 9, with me being Team MVP, 1 combat point beneath their top-fragger.
I am asking everyone here if they share the same experience I do.
And for Riot developers, can you please do something against these kind of players? Have some kind of system that measures good behaviour and match players by that as well. I've always been a good teammate but my teammates are just, well, you know...
Thank you for taking the time to read through this big post. Have a great day!
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