Valorant Village - The Heartwarming Story of a Deaf Teammate in Plat Solo Queue

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 26, 2020 6:44 PM


Unsurprisingly, the online gaming community is often infamous for being toxic and abusive towards fellow players. However, every now and then, we come across touching stories of players banding together, overcoming obstacles, and achieving greatness. Such is the case with a recent post by AviationAdam on the Valorant subreddit, where he recounts his experience playing a ranked game with a deaf teammate. The post has been upvoted thousands of times and has captured the hearts of many. Let's dive into the story and witness the magic of the Valorant community's supportive side.

The Omen with a Difference

The post starts with AviationAdam describing the beginning of the match, where he and his teammates were picking their agents. Suddenly, the omen on their team piped up in chat, introducing himself and letting everyone know that he was deaf. This must have initially been a source of anxiety for the other players, who were likely wondering how they were going to communicate with someone who could not hear their in-game voice chat. However, the omen, evidently used to this by now, expressed himself in a friendly tone, asking everyone to use pings and typing instead of voice chat to communicate with him.

Community Spirit Prevails

What happened next was truly inspiring. Instead of the expected barrage of toxic comments and insults, the other players in the match rallied together to support their deaf teammate. Everyone went out of their way to ensure that the omen was included in all the communication, and they used every possible tool in the game to their disposal. They pinged enemies, called out positions, and generally went above and beyond to make sure that the omen felt just as much a part of the team as any other member. Most heartening of all was that the players did this out of willingness and empathy, not because they felt guilty or pressured to do so.

An Improbable Victory

Though the premise of a deaf teammate was daunting at first, the game turned out to be an absolute breeze for the team. Everyone played their best, with the omen managing to top frag. In the end, they emerged victorious with a 13-0 scoreline, something that even AviationAdam admits he has never accomplished before. The game was well and truly a team effort, and the victory was all the sweeter for it.

Concluding Thoughts

The story that AviationAdam posted on the Valorant subreddit may seem like a simple tale of a team cooperating and winning one game. However, it serves as a potent reminder of the power of empathy and community in competitive esports. It is all too easy to become swept up in the cutthroat nature of online gaming and forget that we are all human, with our own unique struggles and challenges. The post has gained so much traction because it cuts through the negativity and leaves behind a shining example of what people can achieve when they work together. We can all learn from this incredible story, and strive to make the gaming world a more inclusive and supportive place.



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