Posted by Steve
Monday, November 30, 2020 2:55 PM
As many of you know, there are many smurfs, toxic players, team killers, earrapers, uncommunicating teammates, etc. mostly up until silver. I loved playing in silver. Almost all my teammates talked and were polite enough not to be cursing out the team constantly, feeding, and team killing. I dropped out of silver after a horrible losing streak and was in the horror of bronze.
Honestly, it is sad how much of a difference there is from Bronze 3 to Silver 1. I don’t think this is just bad luck. Ive played plenty of games in both and I very rarely get teammates with microphones in bronze. Not only that, I have played with multiple feeding and team killing teammates.
I have just had the worst hour and a half of any videogame I have ever played. This teammate was horrible. He was the combination of all the worst teammates I have had in one. He started the game with earraping the team. Great. Another voice mute and report. This player was locked raze and they continued with grenading the team which killed us multiple times. He body blocked us, fed the enemy team, didnt get kills, made noise when we were quietly trying to take site, and he called out our position in all chat to the enemy team. He used his ult on me after I had just finished clutching a round and was defusing, so we had to go into a 10-12 which we eventually lost (my team was godlike so we were doing ok even with this player).
Seriously? This player does this every game for sure. And they aren’t banned. My whole team reports this player and I am sure that multiple people on the enemy team did so as well. I finish the game, lose ELO, feeling like crap. Whatever. Queue up for a new game. Up until this point, I thought that you couldnt queue with people you have reported. I mean that’s basic logic right? Nope. Queued with the same raze that did the same team killing, calling our position out, etc. I hated this game at that point. I lost all motivation. Was like 0 and 7 until I eventually caught back up and ended up top fragging a 6-13 game after starting to feel a little better (and I still ended up demoting to B2).
It was honestly depressing and incredibly stressful. I had to take a break from Valorant after that. I reported the raze again and my team did too but it is not like it is going to do anything. They won’t be banned anyway. They probably got around 13 reports between the two games at least and they also probably do that every game and still haven’t been banned.
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