Vanda/Phantom vs Ares

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 12:02 AM

So... Im in bronze, and I dont really rank unless Im with friends but something is always on my mind. I love using Ares cause of the easy to control recoil and spray pattern, its not as hard to use as say a Vandal or a Phantom but let's say I reach Silver and eventually Gold, do I have to master the Vandal/Phantom to be good?

I am already really really good with the Ares, I always top frag, get triples and quadras and sometimes Ace with the Ares and it has become my comfort gun (if such a term exists). Especially since, I always aim for the chest and make my way to the head, I tried aiming for the head but Im not that good yet.

Bottom line: Do I have to master the Vandal/Phantom if I want to be even better?



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