Various topics questions from a newcomer

Posted by Steve

Saturday, February 12, 2022 1:00 AM

As the title implies, I am a new player coming into this game and so far I like the game so much. Although it's been almost 1 month since I created an account I still have some questions, some being gameplay related, others being more miscs related (skins, baby -...-).

  1. Agents and ranked. Already level 22 and a bit over half of agents roster is unlocked. Should I hop into ranked already (played only a couple of unrated games, to be honest) or should I unlock most, if not all, of the agents first? So far I have unlocked Chamber, Astra (through that battlepass thingy), Raze, Skye, Viper (contracts) and KAY/O is pending.
  2. Key bindings. I decided to stick to the default key bindings when it comes to abilities (C, Q, E and X) and I get used to them, but I can say that other bindings need some tweaking (mainly "equip last used weapon"). For those players that stuck with default abilities bindings, what keys you have for "ping", "equip last used weapon", "drop equipped weapon", "use object", "plant/defuse spike" as well as other less (or not) important things like "inspect weapon" or "use spray". Worth mentioning that I am using a Razer Viper Ultimate and even though I find the mouse amazing, the side buttons are a let down and most of the time I have a hard time pressing them if they are used for a specific action.
  3. Skins, NightMarket and Store. Is it possible to get the same (not bought skins) in both the Night Market and daily store? Currently I have the Prime Phantom in my NM but I'm still waiting for something good (Prime Vandal mainly) to be in my store in order to get them in one go, but if there is a possibility I would get the Prime Phantom (again) in my daily store, then I might as well get it from NM already.



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