Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 27, 2021 12:02 PM
So, yesterday I played 2 games as raze and got 20-25 kills. Then today I played 2 games as raze and went 6-17 first game. Im very inconsistent each day. How can I improve at being consistent?
More Like This
I created an animation inspired by Rainbow Six Siege's shadow legacy trailer. Hope you enjoy

Posted by Otto
Friday, August 6, 2021 10:21 PM
Anyone know where to find some fun short valorant clips?
I'm talking below 1 min? Maybe even some of the animated stuff?
Want to share with the homies and have a laugh. I remember a clip where a chamber was aiming down towards bomb but then enemy stood behind and the way it was clipped was fun
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 9:38 AM
Can't play ranked without doing more unrated matches all of a sudden
Like the title says, randomly after finishing a ranked game I was about to Que for another when I noticed it said that I need to win 6 more unrated games to play ranked.
Is this a bug or just a really shitty feature? I've played quite abit...

Posted by Otto
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 4:50 PM