Viper for dummies (Viper is the best and you’re all wrong)

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 4, 2021 3:52 PM

I thank all of you for complaining about Viper, because the best agent is now a best-er agent. Viper was always the underdog of controllers, but that made it all the sweeter when you dominated the enemy team.

Toxic screen: The BEST smoke in the game. This is because Valorant’s top engineers made it L O N G. People love long things: long cats, long walks on the beach, long |} | € |< $. You can cut any area in half and cover aalllll the angles with this baby. Astra wishes she was Viper so she could use a wall every round. Since the screen is so long, use it to quickly gain deep map control.

Poison cloud: Sure Viper has only one, but she has so much control over it. She can choose when her smoke drops, relocate it in seconds, hide in it like a mini-ult, and toss it onto the skinniest of ledges to make one-ways. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of smokes; you can come up with a number of different applications and use them on the fly. And now that it deals 50 decay damage instantly, you’ll be even angrier when someone strolls through your smokes and somehow kills you.

Snakebite: Although this ability seems easy to use, it isn’t basic at all. (That’s an acid joke.) This ability effectively cuts health in half thanks to its debuff, so if someone walks through a smoke into a snakebite, they’ll be left with basically 50 hp at most. Now, this is a note to all Viper mains, do not save these for lineups. You should use them for clearing corners and denying entry mostly. If you still have them after taking a site and your team is disadvantaged, then go for lineups.

Viper’s pit: Easily Viper’s best ability. Everyone respects this ult. Why? Because just seconds after entering, an enemy reaches critical health and could die from spraying-and-praying, a sudden molly, breathing a bit too hard, etc. All the while, Viper could be in any corner, ready to strike. At least, that’s what the enemies think until they hear a whoosh, the viper’s pit drops, and they’re a bunch of 1 hp fish out of water.

Moral of the story: Constantly breathing toxic fumes gives Viper mains galaxy brains.



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