Posted by Steve
Monday, December 12, 2022 1:00 PM

Recent valorant posts really look like Harbor and Skye have been getting along well.They are probably just friends but after KJ and Raze being really similar.I won't be shocked if Harbor and Skye start dating.Like a daddy and a mommy together omfg.
Like look at this, something is going on lol
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Can anyone recommend any streamers that main yoru
I love playing valorant and watching it , I would love it it anyone told me about any streamers that play yoru. Thx
Posted by Otto
Monday, January 2, 2023 4:21 PM
Sage is the only character that doesn't speak their country's language in their voice lines....
(Kay/O and Omen don't count as Kay/O is a robot and we don't know Omen's nationality) Besides sage every character speaks their countries language, which is strange.
Posted by Otto
Saturday, January 28, 2023 12:02 AM
End of season trolls lmao
bruh moment lmao
so many trolls end of the season man. Had a brim that only ran in and fought. A raze that only deagled. 3 DC in 5 games. Bruh this is like siege end of season man, ppl are actually just straight up unhinged now.
[Le Bruh...
Posted by Otto
Monday, January 10, 2022 9:52 PM