Waiting months for my favourite Skin, so I just drew it myself

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 1, 2022 12:16 PM

Waiting months for my favourite Skin, so I just drew it myself

I wanted to buy the Prime Vandal Skin and thought that it should not take long for it to rotate back into my shop. Now, 3 Months later, the skin has still not returned. I have had almost all other prime skins rotate into my shop (some even up to 7 times) so I drew the skin myself to at least get the feeling I would own the skin.

Send it to the valorant Support and asked them to be so kind and rotate the skin into my shop again. Sadly the rotation is completly random (ofc) so now I continue playing the waiting game xD

You can see my drawing here


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/voaxew/waiting_months_for_my_favourite_skin_so_i_just/
  • https://reddit.com/voaxew

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