Was about to have the flank of my life, and then teammates in iron ruin it.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, February 15, 2022 11:05 PM

We were losing hard. LIKE LOSING HARD. so i tried something new. i hadn't flanked them yet, so i thought why not, i'm going very carefully, walking, chacking everything, and then i see a KJ bot, it's not triggered yet, just revealed, i didn't shoot it! (neuron activation) i walked around it real slow, and passed it.

AND THEN THE VIPER COMES FROM AROUND THE MAP STOMPING ALL THE WAY, and triggers the bot. and then just continues to peek like nothing happened. dies, and then i die too.

like why do irons flank like this. WHY. I was in so much pain after that moment. we lost the game 6-12.

i know it's an honest mistake but like i'm so angry rn! i was playing so good that game too match mvp


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ssxu0m/was_about_to_have_the_flank_of_my_life_and_then/
  • https://reddit.com/ssxu0m

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