Posted by Steve
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 11:33 AM
I saw someone post about wanting a water based agent on Twitter today. They mentioned a "water" smoke that could cause the person to drown after standing in it for too long. I thought it was a great idea, and decided to build out an entire agent kit idea on how it could work:
Class: Controller
Main Ability (E): Water Smoke x2
- Would be deployable across a limited range (~1/2 of Omen's smoke range)
- Lasts 15 seconds, recharges over 30 seconds
- Nearsighted (similar to Brim's smokes)
- If you stand in it for more than 2 seconds, you will start taking Drowning Damage until you move out of the smoke
- Your footsteps are louder after leaving the smoke
- Noise traveling 10% further than normal
- Noise traveling 10% of typical distance when shift-walking
- 10% of bullet damage is absorbed by the water
- Can absorb 200 damage and will be destroyed
- Damage absorbed based on headshot damage for that weapon
- If a bullet hits you while in the smoke or through the smoke, you'll take 10% less damage based on where you are hit. Eg: 36 damage instead of 40 on a Vandal body shot.
- A note on the Smoke - you cannot be 1 tapped through it except with an Op or Marshal headshot if you have full health/shield.
Ability 2 (a): Water Wall x1
- A single wall that can curve like Phoenix's but extends a bit longer
- Lasts 10 seconds
- Reduces damage by 5% when shooting through the wall
- How is this wall different? - you cannot be 1 tapped through it except with an Op or Marshal headshot if you have full health/shield.
Ability 2 (b): Water Wall x1
- A single wall that extends to the top of the map
- Visibility will be reduced to vague shapes through the wall
- Standing within 3m of the wall causes a slight deafen effect
Ability 3: Water Clone x1
- Similar to Yoru's Fakeout in design and walking function
- Will walk directly forward for 5 seconds
- Takes 50 damage to destroy
- Can swap places with the clone if it's not destroyed with the 5 seconds
Ultimate option 1: Downpour
- AOE effect with a range similar to Viper's ult
- Causes rain to fall over the AOE
- Rain causes sound to be muffled to only go 30% typical range
- Visibility will be reduced slightly
- People outside/inside the AOE would be blurred
- This means you'd still need/want cover, but accuracy would be reduced due to non-clear visuals
- People outside/inside the AOE would be blurred
- Would remain as long as the agent is still within the AOE range
- 2 seconds after leaving AOE range or dying, the effect stops
Ultimate option 2: Water world
- This would be similar to Vipers ult in visual effects and range
- Also includes the need to remain in the ult for it to stay up
- Enemies would take Drowning Damage
- Nearsighted when in the Ult
- Bullet Damage is reduced by 10% while shooting through the water
- Drowning Damage = 1 dps when under water for more than 2 seconds
This is my first time thinking through the design of a new Agent - what do you think?
Also, marked as spoiler because it seems Valorant had a post on Twitter about under water being a different world. I have no inside information, this theoretical agent is 100% from my head.
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