we have comms. just don’t want to use them.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:24 PM

I was playing in a ranked bronze lobby and this guy insta locked my main told me to play sage and kept bossing me around the whole game. Only him and i we’re using mic. He had to get off the game when we were 10-8. And as soon as he disconnected the other 3 people on the team started talking. they were only silent because his energy was not enjoyable. i think it’s was also a female thing, me and the other people were all girls and usually i’ll stay quiet if there is a guy being very bossy different today because i finally got a headset

edit: we won 4v5 15-13 ot tldr: don’t be bossy and people will actually use their mics


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zw81fq/we_have_comms_just_dont_want_to_use_them/
  • https://reddit.com/zw81fq

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