We found common kill and deaths spots on every map using pro data from stage 2

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 1:28 AM

Here’s an example: Defending on Bind in the first 20 seconds of the round. Green areas are places where defenders get more kills than deaths, pink areas are the opposite.

Defending on Bind First 20s of round. Each pink dot is a death, with line connecting to where the player was shot from. Green dot is a successful kill, line connecting to where they were aiming. Green clouds = good area, pink clouds = common death area

We can see that pro teams find a lot of kills through bathrooms, but pushing A and B short has been dangerous.

And the same for attackers in the first 20 seconds:

Attacking on Bind, common kills and death spots first 20s of round

For heatmaps of both attackers and defenders, early and late round on all the other maps:

Ascent: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1408120629631533056/photo/1

Bind: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1406964818423300099/photo/1

Haven: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1405881772299145218/photo/1

Icebox: https://twitter.com/runitback_gg/status/1408450878093283329/photo/1

Split: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1409323199217741824/photo/1

Data provided by Runitback.gg from VCT Stage 2 Challenger and Masters events (all regions). Processed using Python libraries pandas and matplotlib.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/o9kgpd/we_found_common_kill_and_deaths_spots_on_every/
  • https://reddit.com/o9kgpd

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