We made Strats.gg, an interactive lineup and stat tracking website. Browse through thousands of lineups and track your Valorant stats with our brand-new UI. Give it a try! [Desktop and Mobile Friendly]

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, September 6, 2022 2:12 PM

Hi Everyone!

I'm the founder of Strats.gg, a website built to help users learn lineups and track their Valorant stats. You may have seen our beta version about a year ago and lots has changed since then! We have been hard at work listening to community feedback and fully cooperating with Riot to integrate their Valorant API. After 2 years of development we are finally ready to release the full version of the site for everyone to use!

Key Functionality Features:

Lineup Hub:

- Trajectory lines on the interactive map so users can see the starting position of the agent, the live trajectory of the lineup (as well as any bounces), and the end location along with the video tutorial

- Grouping functionality that “groups” lineups with the same end location. This allows users to learn multiple lineups that have the same end location

- Image button to see a still image of the lineup so you don’t need to watch the full video

Stat Tracking:

- Full access to the Valorant API allowing users to track their own Valorant stats as well as search the stats of other players (If profiles are made public)

- Full cooperation with Riot and their regulations ensuring that user data is protected. Worked directly with Riot staff to integrate Riot’s RSO login which ensures that any login information is only shared between the user and Riot

One last thing I wanted to mention is that our development team is from Ukraine and with all the things that are happening over there they have continued to remain positive and insist on completing this project. I am beyond thankful for their non-stop contribution, and I want to give them the full recognition that they deserve. We hope you all enjoy it and if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment on this post or join our Discord where you can reach us all directly!

- Strats Team

Discord Link


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/x6n7o9/we_made_stratsgg_an_interactive_lineup_and_stat/
  • https://reddit.com/x6n7o9

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