We really need an option to have Solo Queue Only or a Solo Queue Mode

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 9, 2021 6:31 AM

Just got out of playing 3 games in a row with 4 stacks on my team. Not a single person spoke to me, literally not a single word. I request a gun, no one buys, I ask in team voice and they just ignore me. I know they hear me too because when I get left solo defending a site and I hear a lot of footsteps I would say full rush B and they would all rotate over.

How do I know they are 4 stacked you ask? I ask them in chat, all 3 of the games someone said yes to that question. Also they're typing to the enemy team and trying to tilt the enemy team, which is fine. But I know they can communicate just because of that. They didn't say anything to me at all, which I guess can be a positive since it's better than 4 people berating me for being the fill in their lobby, plus we were winning so they didn't have any real incentive.

But these games I would have to say are probably some of the most boring games I've played to date, and it only made it worst because it happened 3 times in a row. I'm just in a silent room all to myself while playing a TEAM GAME.

Sorry just had to vent and coming from Dota 2 where there's such an option as a Solo Queue only mode, it is so much better than having to fill a 4 stack, where the best-case scenario is they might make a callout and in the worst-case scenario you just get bullied by 4 people that just back each other up and drown out whatever you say.

I don't get why Solo Queue Only isn't an option yet. It literally makes the Ranked experience so much better for solo players and people who want to stack can still stack.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mmf4ry/we_really_need_an_option_to_have_solo_queue_only/
  • https://reddit.com/mmf4ry

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