We shouldn’t have had to wait 2+ years for Replay/Spectate.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 4, 2022 8:12 AM

I usually don’t read ask dev posts but I saw that the May 19th one mentioned the replay system and got very excited. However I was severely disappointed by the response.

I can understand not having a replay system in Beta, I can understand not having a replay system on Release, I can tolerate not having a replay system at year 1 anniversary… it’s been 2 entire years of a massively successful online multiplayer FPS.

Consistently top 5 most viewed category on Twitch, 2nd year of a successful esports circuit VCT, and millions of active daily players. And we still do not have a simple replay/spectate system.

Current workarounds for this are all of the third-party recording apps that run alongside the game like outplayed, medal.tv, or recording software like nvidia shadowplay or OBS. Yet these apps brings additional stress to the system that could be problematic for an average valorant player. Laptop and low-end PC users like many of us face performance hits when recording and playing at the same time. FPS shouldn’t be the cost of wanting to improve or capturing fun/exciting moments in games.

May 19th Ask Devs

I can’t believe the replay system wasn’t anywhere near the top priority list for the devs for the last 2 years. It’s unbelievable to me that they drafted, revised, and published: “The shortest answer today is that there is no plan for a player-facing version of a replay system, as of now.” This was one of the top priorities the devs mentioned back in 2020 and in the May 19th Ask Dev post they also said they wanted to “to prioritize based on what serves the most players and has the most long term impact on game health.” A player can care very little about the dm changes or the new mode they are working on. A player can care very little about in-game cosmetic reward tracks. However, a replay system is probably the most universally beneficial system to be glaringly lacking in Valorant today.

I appreciate the transparency in that they were willing to communicate their intentions and direction with the community. However this time it seems they’ve severely missed the mark on what the community wants. Just because we complain about chamber being OP or smurfs doesn’t mean we don’t want replays anymore.

I just want to say, this isn’t a hate thread against the devs. I’ve loved the game and all that it has brought me over these 2 years: friends, funny moments, feeling of self improvement, and many more memories. I’m just a passionate valorant player who wants to the game to be the best that it can be.

I genuinely hope we don’t have to wait 5+ years for this, the time it took Riot to add replay and spectate in to League of Legends.

TL;DR No replay system, me sad. What do u think?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/v3wklc/we_shouldnt_have_had_to_wait_2_years_for/
  • https://reddit.com/v3wklc

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