Weapon Skin Concept : Retro Phantom

Posted by Steve

Sunday, October 17, 2021 10:07 AM

Hello everybody! Hope you all are doing well

This time, I have created a skin concept which is themed upon.......old videogames? Yeah, that's right. Behold, the Retro Phantom. It features various design elements from retro videogames like the Blocky-pixelated body, pixelated VFX and retro fighting game popups (which appear when ya used to punch somebody. Stuff like pow, bash, kill, etc.). I have also tried to make my presentation a bit cleaner

Huge design inspiration from the Future Rifle from Pixel Gun 3D, with my added twists

Once again, Massive thanks to u/Lankre for letting me use his Kill sounds for this concept. Go give him a follow!





Kill sounds


Hope you like it!

Edit: Yo HOLY F thank all of you guys for so many awards. I am now full of cash money and can finally buy my precious Oni Phantom


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/q8rzs7/weapon_skin_concept_retro_phantom/
  • https://reddit.com/q8rzs7

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