Weird experience: I do much worse with Elderflame

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 3, 2021 6:31 PM

First of all: there’s no doubt in my mind that Elderflame is one of the hottest skins on VALORANT. I waited a long time until the Vandal Elder became available and I did not hesitate at all and grabbed it right away.

But as I continued to use it over time, I noticed that I perform much worse than I usually do (I’m generally bad, but I’m not the worst).

It just didn’t feel like a gun. It felt weird. Sure, it’s JUST a skin and has 0 effect on actual performance, but each time I use it, I barely get kills. And whenever I grabbed a good ol’ skinless Vandal from the ground, I started getting kills again, in the SAME MATCH. It felt super weird.

When I stopped using it and went back to my Reaver Vandal, I started performing well again. I actually got kills again.

This is super weird, and I don’t know if anyone out there has a similar experience.



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