Went from Iron to Immortal!

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 26, 2021 9:38 AM

Good morning and merry Christmas to everyone,

I know a lot of people have been sending these types of reddit posts but yesterday, i have finally climbed from Iron (in Episode 1 Act 1) to Immortal (Episode 3 Act 3)! Valorant was my first ever Keyboard & Mouse game, as well as my first FPS game.

There were a lot of obstacles like Platinum where (I reckon) I was hardstuck for almost 4 Acts or even some hard matches which contained AFKs, trollers, etc. but I did it!

As of right now, I'm Immortal 1 with 70 RR, so I'm still climbing within the divisions! Feel free to ask me anything!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ro5y4h/went_from_iron_to_immortal/
  • https://reddit.com/ro5y4h

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