What 6 months of the Valorant rotating shop looks like

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 7:00 PM

I've been tracking my Valorant store since December 2021. Why? Because I am a very bored individual. I originally planned to analyze it, but I am way too statistically inept for that so now I just look at the pretty colours :)

Also, there are tons of problems with this:

  1. Missing days
  2. Probably should've formatted this better for a csv file a LONG time ago... I am lazy
  3. Not tracking night markets (although I could probably dig them up from Discord dm's)
  4. Dumb me picked an account that has skins, which affects the pool of rotating ones
  • Skins owned before tracking began: prime karambit, magepunk ghost, ion sheriff, blastx spectre, ion bucky, singularity phantom, prime vandal, origin vandal

Anyways, here you go!



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/v7czqu/what_6_months_of_the_valorant_rotating_shop_looks/
  • https://reddit.com/v7czqu

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