What agent do you play if your aim is off?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:14 AM

Sometimes my aim just isn't on point (I'm in high dia/low asc) and I'm usually duelist or chamber, with the occasional initiator pick. By aim, I mean in situations where crosshair placement doesn't completely help/isn't an option (i.e. peeking something with multiple potential angles). It's not that my aim is generally bad, but just off for the day and I still wanna play without being a burden to the team.

What agent should I play if my aim is gonna be off? Should I play initiator or learn controller? Or would playing a duelist and creating space with trade potential still work?

Aside from the question, other advice could be helpful.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/wk2jlp/what_agent_do_you_play_if_your_aim_is_off/
  • https://reddit.com/wk2jlp

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